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Tag Archives: food


57-year-old man with stomach cancer eats walnuts every day

57-year-old man with stomach cancer eats walnuts every day, after 6 months, doctors reveal results A 57-year-old man with stomach cancer eats walnuts every day because he thinks they are good for his health. Half a year later, he went for a checkup and the

Is "black coffee" with "olive oil" a healthy drink?

Is “black coffee” with “olive oil” a healthy drink?

After a major coffee brand like Starbucks launched the “oleato” menu in Italy for the first time. This is a menu made by brewing Arabica coffee beans with Partanna brand extra virgin olive oil by infusion or extraction by soaking coffee beans in olive oil.

7 Immune Supplements for Your Baby

7 Immune Supplements for Your Baby

Immunity for your beloved child is an important thing that parents expect a lot Because the beloved child has sufficient immunity in the body. It will help the child not to face various illnesses easily and can also live a fun and full life. Today we would like to