Taiwanese doctors recommend “processed foods” that help with weight loss and blood sugar. 

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You read it right! Taiwanese doctors recommend “processed foods” that help with weight loss and blood sugar. They are easily available in Thailand.

Taiwanese doctors reveal 1 processed food that must be recommended because it is “good to eat” and helps reduce weight – blood sugar

processed foods

 In recent years, there has been a push to eat “natural foods,” or foods that are as close to their original state as possible, and to avoid processed foods. However, doctors say there is one processed food that may be an exception.

According to a report from Taiwan News website , family medicine doctor Li Si-Hsien said eating “konjac” is a healthy processed food that not only promotes gut health. But also helps with weight loss and blood sugar control.

In a Facebook post, the doctor explained that konjac is one of the processed foods that is an exception. Because it is mainly made from the root of a plant that is native to Asia. It is rich in soluble dietary fiber and has a low starch content of only 5-10%. Which helps promote gut health, lowers blood fat and blood sugar levels, making it a good choice for those with cardiovascular health problems.

“Although I am a big proponent of eating foods from natural sources. Konjac is one of the processed foods that I exclude and is a ufabet https://ufabet999.app food that I see as having many health benefits that should not be overlooked.”

Konjac in English is called Konjac. Although it looks like a food from a natural source. It is actually derived from the root of a plant called Konjac root. Which is a plant in the Amorphophallus family that originated in Asia. The part used to make konjac is the root of this plant. The production process of konjac starts with washing, grinding, drying, and removing starch. Then it is mixed with calcium hydroxide water to process konjac in various forms.

A soluble dietary fiber called “glucomannan,” the main component in konjac. Can act as a prebiotic, helping to promote intestinal health and increase the number of good bacteria in the gut. A 2008 study found that konjac supplements can help stimulate bowel movements and effectively improve constipation.

In addition to helping with intestinal health, glucomannan can absorb up to 50 times its own weight in water, forming a gel that slows down the absorption of food in the stomach. making you feel full longer and reducing the frequency of eating, which is good for weight loss. *In addition, konjac has a very low starch content of only 5-10%. Which is lower than starchy plants such as potatoes or cassava.

In addition, studies have found that consuming glucomannan can help reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), triglycerides, and blood sugar levels, making konjac a good choice for people with cardiovascular disease.

However, doctors caution that despite its many health benefits, konjac is not suitable for everyone. Since konjac is a high-fiber food. Those who have problems with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), as well as those who suffer from bloating or slow bowel movements. May need to be careful when consuming it and observe their body’s response when consuming it.

In addition, konjac is not very soluble in saliva. So swallowing too much konjac may cause choking, especially in children or the elderly. Therefore, konjac should be chewed thoroughly and avoid swallowing a large amount at once.